Social Media Hour: The Engage Book, Samovar Tea & Mindfulness in Business

This week's conversation focuses on a single theme taking two distinct views. The show starts off with communications expert, author and all around social media rock star and friend Brian Solis. He's been on the show in the past to talk about his book, Engage, but that was pre publication. The book's been out several weeks now, he's traveled around the world and so we're going to revisit the topic and see how Engage-d people are becoming.

The other guest on this week's episode is Jesse Jacobs, CEO and Founder of Samovar Tea. A triad of low-key, wi-fi free lounges in which a strange thing happens – people are looking each other in the eye and carrying on conversations. Jesse will share his take on technology and mindfulness in his business.

[audio:|titles=Social Media Hour Episode 57 |artists=Cathy Brooks with guests Brian Solis and Jesse Jacobs]

Social Media Hour Episode #57

Editor’s Note: Cathy Brooks’s Social Media Hour offers a rotating selection of top industry experts to discussion about the way in which social media is impacting business and society. You can find Cathy’s work at Story Navigation and follow her on Twitter: @CathyBrooks.

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