ChatGPT-Like Features Are Coming to Google Docs and Gmail

Google's new features allow users to streamline drafting documents and emails. But do they trump Microsoft's?

As ChatGPT continues to make ripples across the business landscape, Google is introducing its own generative AI capabilities to its docs and mail platforms to catch up with developments being made by Microsoft 365.

Among the company's new suite of tools include a “first draft feature” which allows Google Workspace users to generate a customizable outline on any topic they choose, and an “I'm feeling lucky” option which helps Gmail users switch up the tone of their message.

ChatGPT-like technology is already being deployed by companies like Snapchat and Salesforce, but Google's new generative AI features are set to make the software more accessible than ever. Here's everything you need to know about Google Workplace's new toolkit, including how it weighs up to Microsoft's ChatGPT-driven solutions.

New AI Features Are Being Rolled Out Across Google Docs and Gmail

Less than two months after Microsoft pledged to invest a further $10 billion into ChatGPT technology, Google is ramping up its upping its stakes in generative AI by introducing a range of smart features to a number of its platforms.

According to a recent blog post by Google, the most notable changes will be coming to its Google Docs and Gmail apps, including Google's new “first draft” feature that allows users to create customizable drafts on any topic they choose, from “job descriptions” to “pirate-themed birthday parties”. Aside from helping users get started with writing, it can also be used to refine and edit text to streamline the writing process further.

“We’re now making it possible for Workspace users to harness the power of generative AI to create, connect, and collaborate like never before.” – Blog post by Google

Another key development is Google's new “rewrite” capability. For users struggling to strike the right tone, this feature lets users “formalize”, “elaborate”, “shorten”, and “bulletize” their content to fit their desired purpose. Gmail users can even hit the platform's “I'm feeling lucky” button to try out a new playful voice, marking a pretty major breakthrough for the app.


These features are part of a broader effort Google is taking to invest in generative AI technology, with the tech giant releasing similar features for its Google Meets platform and creating its own AI chatbot Bard just last month.

However, with one of Google's biggest competitors, Microsoft recently launching a slew of intelligent solutions using ChatGPT's own technology, how do the company's smart features compare?

Google's and Microsoft's Generative AI Race Intensifies

Microsoft's ties to OpenAI can be traced back to 2019 when the software firm initially invested $1 billion in the lab. Since then, Microsoft has expanded this partnership further, introducing the natural language technology to a range of ventures from its search engine Bing to its workplace collaboration suite Microsoft 365.

Put simply, this investment is paying off. After launching its new ChatGPT-backed search engine Microsoft saw its daily users surge to 100 million – directly challenging Google's search hegemony. Microsoft 365 users are benefiting from this smart technology too, with the software provider recently launching a number of advanced features to Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint.

Despite Google's new smart Workplace features, the company's AI offering is still on the back foot, with its own chatbot alternative Bard recently attracting embarrassment after failing to answer a simple question during a live demonstration.

So, as Microsoft doubles down on its commitment to generative AI, and an increasing number of companies streamline practices with tools like ChatGPT, the pressure is on Google to close the gap.

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Isobel O'Sullivan (BSc) is a senior writer at with over four years of experience covering business and technology news. Since studying Digital Anthropology at University College London (UCL), she’s been a regular contributor to Market Finance’s blog and has also worked as a freelance tech researcher. Isobel’s always up to date with the topics in employment and data security and has a specialist focus on POS and VoIP systems.
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