Interview: Jamal Henderson From PespiCo Talks BriskPic

We previously analyzed the social features that have made the iPhone photosharing app, Instagram, such a hit in post titled “Instamania!” A few weeks ago, Instagram launched the ability to use hashtags as a feature within the photosharing app as a way to tag images. As part of this roll-out they also announced a partnership with PepsiCo as they launched the BriskPic campaign, looking to crowdsource images for display on the next Brisk can.

To participate, users simply use the Instagram app to snap a photo and tag it with hashtag #briskpic in the “What?” field for the photo. The photo will then be sent to and entered into the photo contest. The winning can design will be unveiled at SXSW in Austin, Texas. We can't wait to see it.

We caught up with PepsiCo's Jamal Henderson in NYC at the Brisk25 Summit and he shared some insights about BriskPic as well as some advice for startups and entrepeneurs on how they may be able to work with PepsiCo in the future. Check out the video interview with Jamal Henderson (below).

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Frank Gruber is the cofounder, CEO and Executive Editor of Tech.Co (formerly Tech Cocktail). He is the author of the book, Startup Mixology, Tech Cocktail’s Guide to Building, Growing, and Celebrating Startup Success. He is also a startup advisor and investor to startups. Find Frank Gruber online and follow him on Twitter at @FrankGruber.
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